There's a gay man in mgs3. So sexy since he looks like Raiden ;3
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Age 40, Male
Atlanta, Georgia
Joined on 11/16/06
There's a gay man in mgs3. So sexy since he looks like Raiden ;3
Oh, Raikov. Yeah, lol. He and Colonel Volgin were lovers, or something... hence why when Snake dressed up as Raikov, Volgin grabbed his balls, lol. Didn't exactly KNOW that they were gay for each other until I looked at the MGS database...
kh indisider is cool but i wish they had a search engine
yeah. I WOULD upload mgs4 on there but they're outa space, LOL.
good music on my page!!!
The music from MGS is so breathtaking. The only game music I could possibly compare it to is Shadow of the Colossus. Harry Gregson-Williams is a genius.
Amen to that. I love how he combines electronic beats and effects with classical instruments and baroque sounds, and that all his pieces are well balanced to the ear, with no spaces left to fill.
The MGS series has enjoyed a truly memorable soundtrack, but what about Actraiser?
Sentinel94 (Updated )
Actraiser? Well, like any Square Enix series, it's also had it's fair share of good music. But I was focusing on metal gear, since it has been the latest upstirral with MGS4: Guns of the Patriots, Metal Gear Online, and the new (and awesome) Metal Gear Database. I might make a post in a week on another great gaming soundtrack, so I'll think about Actraiser.