Join the Zero Resistance. Fighting to End Zero Bombing on audio submissions and help out all newgrounds artists., it's my problem.
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P.S: I'm also really disappointed in the lack of quality at the metal gear collab. It's one of my favorite series, so all flash artists...give it some work. Not familiar with the series? Pick up a copy of MGS3 for 10 bucks or MGS2 for 10. Features pretty good music too, like the MGS3 Theme Song (Snake Eater).
Join or Fear My North Korean Technology!
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ohh yea that is my favorite robit chicken skit lol. and yea 0 bombing fucking sucks :(
Yep, it has a pretty good point eh? Hehe, and yeah 0's definitely hurt us artists. But we're always thinking of new ways to stop it (or at least control it) and sending em over to Tom. Thanks for the support, if you wanna join, give Bosa or me a tell!