Good Evening/Good Morning, and Death to America.
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Now that that's out of our systems, onto the Topics.
Topic 1: The Wedding
I'm going to be gone for a week or so (driving back and forth, so it's flexible) to pittsburgh, PA for a wedding, so I'll be a bit out of touch. It's gonna be tons O' fun, and there'll be free drinks (=D) so I'm psyched. Getting in touch with family members from PA, Chicago, and Italy (Oh my). That being said, any PM's I get, or reviews to music, won't be able to reply to instantly, as I normally do. Sorry folks.
Topic 2: Carlos Mencia @ The Fox Theatre
A week or two after I come back from PA, the hilarious Carlos Mencia is appearing at the fabulous Fox Theatre in Atlanta, and I've got three tickets. My buds are big fans of him so, it'll be cool to see them choke of laughter or something, haha.
Topic 3: Voiceacting
I've currently been working with loveshinehero and his partner haruken on their flash "Oh that Hideo" which will be a kind of parody on Hideo Kojima (Creator of the Metal Gear Solid series) and his joke about Snake get's Altair'd (Altair is from Assassin's Creed). From what I've seen in the script, looks like it's gonna come together real good. Be sure to check it out! As always, still looking for other projects too.
ZOMG: Sentinel94 now has 25 people with him as a favorite artist. That's 37 more than I probably should have.
oh the possibilities! hawt ;3