Well, I just looked over Rubberninja's so I was inspired to go over some of the things he missed that I loved.
Samurai Jack
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There's a couple of reasons why I loved (and still love) this show. First, is that I really felt like it had a very inventive art style and offered a unique character palette. Second, one of my all-time idols, Phil Lamaar, was in the cartoon, starring as Jack. And Third, It was just pure awesome. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. I'll wait.
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I don't remember a single character's name from the show, but I remember I loved it, ha.
Cowboy Bebop
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Another show I liked for alot of reasons. The music was great, and the show was funny and actiony at the same time and had some neat characters.
Yu Yu Hakusho
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Another anime. It's not that I LOVE anime that much or anything, it's just kinda what was on. But this was a pretty cool show as well.
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I really ought to have watched less anime shows. And the other sad part of this is that I watched most of the gundam spinoffs too, it's just that I remember this one the most.