Witty Comment and/or Personal Anecdote

Michael Siemon @Sentinel94

Age 40, Male


Atlanta, Georgia

Joined on 11/16/06

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Sentinel94's News

Posted by Sentinel94 - March 3rd, 2009

Ok, here's gonna be a short list, of a few games, I'm stoked about.

Killzone 2
No, I don't have it yet, gonna be bitchin though when I get it. I am SOO sick of everyone running all these spoilers though...Ruining my surprise.

Here's where two of my policies collide....H.A.W.X mirrors a good and bad. First, it's an acronym, and I make it a habit to stay away from acronym games. If you don't know why, good for you. But it's a Clancy game, and that makes it awesome. I just gotta buy it when it comes out now, it's like mystery meat loaf: It can be anything, but it's probably not meatloaf.

Wanted: Weapons of Fate
Call me slow, but just yesterday, I finally got the time to sit down, pop in the blu-ray of wanted, and be mindfucked (it was cold). As for the movie, ok, I'm not gonna pick it apart, because hell: THEY WERE BENDING BULLETS. If you expect ANYTHING in that movie to make sense, you are an idiot. So, if you ignore all the weird stuff, then I saw it as a pretty good movie....if not a little weird. So, this game should be pretty interesting. No Angelina Jolie though, darn!

What I'm Liking:

Call of Duty: World at War
That's right, WORLD AT WAR. Not COD5, WORLD AT WAR. Got the difference? I can't play anything other than hardcore on there now, it's just too addictive. I love, love it. If you don't have it, buy it.

*Gasp* He threw in music. Yeah, I did, deal with it. Recently, I've been playing a lot of Rockband 2 and been going through some damn good Disturbed songs. Good shit, I gotta say. Currently looking for a torrent/zip/rar of "Indestructible" the album. If anyone's got that, lemme know.


What's New/Coming in Gaming (To Me at Least);What I'm Currently Enjoying

Posted by Sentinel94 - February 12th, 2009

Well hey there boys and girls, this here's the bobby lee post edition of sentinel's news posts! That's right, a small selection of bobby lee sketches, that I have deemed funny as fuck.

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I find this one just stupid, racist, and hilarious. Just from the way that they're trying to act korean (while actually acting japanese and other things) and just failing horribly, up untill the surprise ending with the other family. I guess Bobby's family should've tried dousing everything in kimchi (look it up)! =D

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This one's a little long, but it's still funny, because in my opinion, bobby does the best kim jong il impression.

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THERE'S the kimchi, haha.

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Yes, chinese people ARE that racist against blacks, lol.

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The intro is a little long, but I love how it works itself up as it goes along. Swiffa duster!

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My personal favorite! Sometimes I do...a line so simple, yet so complex and funny!

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By popular demand from all of my korean friends, this is the favorite! Disgusting, stupid and funny=pure comedy!

And ladies and gents, before you leave...
Bosa has announced that his long in the works game Quest of Eve will be coming out in July of this year, and I have a small voice acting part in that! I advise you all to check it out, because it's got some really neat things going on, including an actual orchestra performing all of the music for the game and 100% voice acting.

Posted by Sentinel94 - January 14th, 2009

Well, I hope everyone had a great 2008 (I couldn't resist the rhyme) and continues to have a good 2009. I know I haven't done alot of music here, and there's a reason: I'm busy....really busy. But I'll make you a deal, I'm doing parts in several different bands: A Large Group Winds Ensemble (For the traditional "band" pieces, playing euphonium there), and my Jazz band (For the fun stuff, we have a pretty good group turning out, I'm playing trombone in that). So what does this have to do with you? Well, some of the pieces we do in the concerts, I'll try and post on here, for everyone to either bask in their splendor...or hate them. I don't really care, haha. But as for something else...

New Season of 24
I'm a big damn 24 fan, and the new season is hella good. I gotta say, it's promising all the elements it should and more. If you're not a fan CHECK IT OUUUT!!

And in case you were wondering
China is still fucked up:

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But Jackie Chan still rocks the shit outta things too.

And Last, for all you music lovers:
Mihai Sorohan (Sorohanro) just put up a free download of some trumpet samples to play around with, check em out!

Posted by Sentinel94 - December 11th, 2008

Well, this truly is a joyous day for all and any video game players. Here's a few lists:

Although this is not exactly new, I'll put it in here anyways because it's not old: Metal Gear Solid 5 is a reality, and Konami has been filing for the name Metal Gear Solid: Existence. This should be one of the most interesting games in the series to date.

2)The impossible happened today: Home for the Ps3 has come out! After many long years of waiting for it, it's here. So now go forth and rejoice and check out the new stuff!

3) One recently announced sequel, Littlebigplanet 2. Judging by the huge success of the first one (and it hasn't even been out that long) this will be another project to keep an eye on!

The XBOX 360:

1) You can now fully immerse yourself in the "New XBOX Experience", fully! Enjoy!

2) You've probably had enough time by now to beat Fable II :).

Nintendo Wii:

1)The Wii has had COD WaW for awhile.

2)You haven't been beaten up and/or called a "wii-tard" for playing with a wii-mote yet.

Other Games To Keep an Eye On (Multi Console):
Dead Space 2, Saints Row 3, Army of Two...2, Battlefield Bad Company 2, and Mercenaries 3. My, my, my. Mmm,mm.

Beastly Magazine Article:
If you're a gamer and don't have a subscription to EGM, POM, or GI then what's wrong with you? EGM recently did a great piece that was an interview with Norohiko Hibino, who did MOST (Not Harry Gregson-Williams) of the music from the Metal Gear Solid series. I will try and dig up a link to the interview online, if I remember!

This day is fucking radical! AKA: Ps3 owners, 360 players, Wii losers, lend me your ears!

Posted by Sentinel94 - November 17th, 2008

Well, I just looked over Rubberninja's so I was inspired to go over some of the things he missed that I loved.

Samurai Jack

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There's a couple of reasons why I loved (and still love) this show. First, is that I really felt like it had a very inventive art style and offered a unique character palette. Second, one of my all-time idols, Phil Lamaar, was in the cartoon, starring as Jack. And Third, It was just pure awesome. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. I'll wait.


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I don't remember a single character's name from the show, but I remember I loved it, ha.

Cowboy Bebop

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Another show I liked for alot of reasons. The music was great, and the show was funny and actiony at the same time and had some neat characters.

Yu Yu Hakusho

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Another anime. It's not that I LOVE anime that much or anything, it's just kinda what was on. But this was a pretty cool show as well.


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I really ought to have watched less anime shows. And the other sad part of this is that I watched most of the gundam spinoffs too, it's just that I remember this one the most.

Posted by Sentinel94 - November 16th, 2008

Well, friday night, 11 of my buddies and myself, went off to the Mall of Georgia to check out Quantum of Solace. But...of course....things don't always go as planned. Well, 3 of my friends had already preordered tickets, and good thing because it was all sold out by the time the rest of us went up to get our tickets for 8 O'Clock. Now here's where things really get cool, now if some of you remember sneaking into movies or concerts or such, we took it to another level, hah. One of our buds was a cop, and his buddy, who was with the county police, was working security for the opening night. So, we talk with em, and we get like 8 free admissions, escorted to the theatre door by the guy. Moral of the Story: Make plenty of friends, and life will take care of ya.

About The Movie
GO SEE IT. It's pretty damn good, and I've been a bond fan for quite a long time (I actually watched all the movies in order one week, ha). Basic Plot Summary: There's a car chase! Wait, guy's dead... Interrogation! Guy's dead? Betrayal! Guy's dead. Bodygaurd! Guy's dead. Old Friend! Dead... General! Guy's Dead. French bastard! Guy's dead? No, he's just in the desert. Random guy he's been searching for! Guy's not dead. French bastard's now dead. THE END. Brilliant.

How I got 8 free admissions to Bond, Opening night.

Posted by Sentinel94 - November 5th, 2008

Well, my last post had a little political joke, so I figured I needed to update, since the voters have decided. But you know what? Voters still haven't had a great turn out. I still wanna see some votes out there on my newish piece. If you don't like it, tell me, if you do, tell me. Just get out there and vote again! Cmon, you know how exhilirating that is! And best part, no lines! But speaking of lines, Voice Acting. I'm still here, still searching, and still surviving off of scraps of audition lines. Please please please, if you're looking for someone, decide to give me a chance, I promise I'll make it worth your time. So, that's all for this boring text post. I know, I know. Gimme some time, I'll give it more pizazz soon.

Posted by Sentinel94 - October 25th, 2008


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And once again, I'd like to remind all of those who actually give a damn, and read/look at this, that I'm looking for voice acting gigs, and to check out my music. If you are looking for a voice actor, then give me a pm, and I'll send over some audition lines! I'm slowly growing in the number of projects I've done, and it's becoming a fun experience!

And Please, on Election Day, Remember... There's Only One Choice:
(Check out this link for the commercial and more!

Crazy Japanese/Standard Stuff/Who I'M voting for.

Posted by Sentinel94 - October 17th, 2008

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The first one is (I dunno if this is gonna enter correctly) %u4E2D%u56FD%u8BDD (Zhong Guo Hua/Chinese Language) by S.H.E and the second one is %u5317%u4EAC%u6B22%u8FCE%u4F60 (Beijing Huan Ying Ni/Beijing welcomes you) from the Olympics. Yay! Go Communism! I mean uhh... Anyways, Interesting things aside, I once again wanna do my plug. If you're looking for voice acting, please contact me and give me a shot, and as always, check out my latest music too if you care.

Newest News: Lotus Bloom is going to be used in a Sudoku application on facebook. Woohoo!Edit: It didn't enter correctly/Flip my descriptions on the videos. First one is my second text.

Posted by Sentinel94 - September 28th, 2008

Here's the Adult Swim schedule for awhile. You're gonna have to save it idiots, then zoom in to see it. Unless you have supervision. Then, please, contact me. The new Axis of Evil could use that power. And in the sense of adultswim, check out my new song, the battle of ar rutbah. It's right underneath the picture. [notadultswim].

You're Welcome