Witty Comment and/or Personal Anecdote

Michael Siemon @Sentinel94

Age 40, Male


Atlanta, Georgia

Joined on 11/16/06

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Sentinel94's News

Posted by Sentinel94 - September 21st, 2008

Why is it that nowadays, so many people lack REAL relationships? Whenever you ask an average teen about his friends, he normally always will talk about myspace, or xbox live, or psn, or facebook, or whatever you wanna call things. The point is, so many people nowadays are not going out and making ACTUAL friends. They're not giving people calls or going over to others houses or playing on sports teams, or any of that. What's up with that?

This man is NOT your friend. No matter how many messages he sends you, they're updates.

The (imaginary) World of Internet Socialization

Posted by Sentinel94 - September 7th, 2008

That's right. It's now time for all of you to just let it out and say "Fuck you!" If you're too much of a pussy to do it, let me try and coax you a little. Last night, second row tickets, Carlos Mencia's At Close Range Tour...with your mom. Bring it ONNNN. Vent it out. Cmon.

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Posted by Sentinel94 - August 30th, 2008

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Ohh yeah.

From "Cheech And Chong: Nice Dreams"

Posted by Sentinel94 - August 7th, 2008

Well, if you like game music, if you love games and wanna relive em a bit through their music, or anything like that, then I've found a great new radio player, NoLife-Radio! It'll make you love this stuff so much, you'll want to marry it, have kids with it, divorce, wonder where your life went wrong, and...! Well, let's not go there. I'm really swamped with alot of stuff at the moment, so music isn't at the top of my list unfortunately. But if anyone out there is looking for a song, in a style, I'd like it as a little challenge, to see what I can getcha. If you don't like it, it's no loss to you or me. So, send me a pm if you want to. And finally, in this compressed post, voiceacting. I'm currently doing/finishing some stuff for Bosa on his new game, Quest of Eve, which you can see updates for and artwork on his page, and when Boutista (the name for his team) gets a page, updates there as well. Check it out! Finally, I leave you with what happens to new players in MGO (Metal Gear Online, available with Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots on the Playstation 3) who get tricked into getting into the "free pie machine" also known as, the "catapult".

PS: All you other gamers out there....Does anyone remember Parappa the Rapper? The Will Smith of Video Gaming, clean lyrics and all.

NoLife Radio, Music, and Voiceacting (A.K.A "Is Anybody Even Reading These Anymore?")

Posted by Sentinel94 - August 5th, 2008

First off, to let people rant here in the reviews, I would like to say, that I support McCain. Not because I HATE Obama, or that I can't stand the fact that a black man could get into office, but for the fact that I don't AGREE with Obama. Shocking right? Actually looking at the issues and making a choice based on the ISSUES and not race. That goes for both sides. If YOU are and Obama supporter just for the fact that you "can't stand to see another old white guy in office, and wanna see a black man there", if that's your SOLE reason, I'm afraid the only thing I can ask you to do is look at the issues, and then decide if you still want to stick. If you do, that's awesome, it's your choice and good luck! If you support McCain just because you "can't stand to see a black man in office who'll screw up so-and-so and blah blah", again the only thing I can ask you to do is look at the issues and decide again, to stay the same, or change if you see fit. Good luck, again, to whoever you choose! Finally, if you've chosen a candidate based on REAL issues, congratulations! Unfortunately, polls show that that's a very few number of you. That's because a majority of both sides have dragged race into the argument, when the candidates THEMSELVES have never dragged race into it. Now, I will say with a SMALL exception, that can be argued about, shown in this video:

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Disagree with whatever you like, he's stating an opinion and he's free to do that. So are you. In fact, if you want, you can state one right here! As long as it's on topic, I won't erase it, promise!

Dethklok Part
If you haven't ever HEARD of dethklok, you probably don't watch tv. So why do you have a computer? Contemplate that. Here's their coffee jingle to help you think:

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Coldplay Part
Finally, if you like Coldplay, or are looking for a new album, I'd highly reccomend checking out their new album, Viva La Vida, which is on Vinyl CD (A CD stupidly designed to look like it's on vinyl). In my opinion, not a bad song on the album, here's Viva La Vida:

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Posted by Sentinel94 - July 8th, 2008

Well, I'm back here on NG after my trip (which went AWESOMELY). And let's talk about a few things here in this post:

MGS Collab
If you haven't watched it, watch it. All I'm gonna say right now.

Voice Acting
As always, I'm looking for new "gigs", I guess. For all those who I contacted, and contacted me later, and I have not responded I'M SORRY. Just a little busy, it'll all come in due time, hopefully. Feel free (anyone) to contact me about stuff, letting me know about your projects that I could hopefully try out for, etc. If anyone wants to check out my voice before letting me in on your stuff, just send me a PM with your email, saying something along those lines, and I'll give you a little mp3 plug with me doing various voices and whatever. I MAY eventually also do one of those kinds of things here on the audio portal, but it's only a thought.

Alright, so UNFORTUNATELY I don't have a shitload of money to spend on a trip that I really don't have a serious need for. However, there have been a lot of posts with videos of it on youtube, and so on. My personal favorites have been the interviews with David Hayter (Voice of Solid Snake/Naked Snake in Metal Gear Solid series). Rubberninja has also done his "live action" spoof on his own series, Gamer Tonight, which I found pretty damn funny, haha. Egoraptor-Richard Farkus. Rubberninja-Pokemon...thing. Tomamoto-Mark Mann. Check it out.

Music/The Using of Music
Lately, I've been getting alot of PM's about using my music (dunno why....). Here's the thing: I really don't CARE if you use my music in a video here, or elsewhere, that's cool. I just always like to get that little "heads up" so that I'm not looking down my audio submissions and going "when the hell did THAT get used?" or trolling the internet and saying "that sounds familiar..." again, not a BIG deal, I just like that heads-up.

And Finally, With thanks to You-Tube...
This is basically the WHOLE David Hayter Q&A at Anime Expo 2008, taken from You-Tube.

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From the MGS:Collab- Kuorydaninja expresses people's frustration at the torture thing in Metal Gear Solid.

Back Again/David Hayter Q&A

Posted by Sentinel94 - June 30th, 2008

Good Evening/Good Morning, and Death to America.

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Now that that's out of our systems, onto the Topics.

Topic 1: The Wedding
I'm going to be gone for a week or so (driving back and forth, so it's flexible) to pittsburgh, PA for a wedding, so I'll be a bit out of touch. It's gonna be tons O' fun, and there'll be free drinks (=D) so I'm psyched. Getting in touch with family members from PA, Chicago, and Italy (Oh my). That being said, any PM's I get, or reviews to music, won't be able to reply to instantly, as I normally do. Sorry folks.

Topic 2: Carlos Mencia @ The Fox Theatre
A week or two after I come back from PA, the hilarious Carlos Mencia is appearing at the fabulous Fox Theatre in Atlanta, and I've got three tickets. My buds are big fans of him so, it'll be cool to see them choke of laughter or something, haha.

Topic 3: Voiceacting
I've currently been working with loveshinehero and his partner haruken on their flash "Oh that Hideo" which will be a kind of parody on Hideo Kojima (Creator of the Metal Gear Solid series) and his joke about Snake get's Altair'd (Altair is from Assassin's Creed). From what I've seen in the script, looks like it's gonna come together real good. Be sure to check it out! As always, still looking for other projects too.
ZOMG: Sentinel94 now has 25 people with him as a favorite artist. That's 37 more than I probably should have.

Weddings, Carlos Mencia and Voiceacting

Posted by Sentinel94 - June 23rd, 2008

In Video Games and Movies, there has been a select number of media that has caught my ear with music. Pirates of the Caribbean has a wonderful ear pleasing soundtrack composed by Klaus Bedalt, for one. Assassin's Creed's musician Jesper Kyd takes the player on a journey beyond the visuals. But, perhaps the greatest music has come from a truly great series of games, and it never has disappointed: Metal Gear Solid soundtracks by Harry Gregson-Williams. So, in recognition of this great series's finale, I will share the soundtracks along: Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty-The Other Side, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. I do not have the Metal Gear Solid 4 soundtrack so please don't contact me *wink* *wink*.

Posted by Sentinel94 - June 17th, 2008

WOW. I got MGS4 June 13th and I WAS STUNNED. It's completely amazing. Folks, it's exclusively for the PS3, so 360 owners, go back to Halo or whatever. When I finished it, I was simply amazed at how everything tied in. I will NOT spoil it though. Unless you send me a pm. Then I might. But, even I don't know one thing: What the hell does La-Li-Le-Lu-Lo stand for (Besides the Patriots...)? Music of the game, still looking for it uhhm....as a "donation".

MGO (Metal Gear Online)
The key that opens the door of the Metal Gear universe: Metal Gear Online. If you'd like to hook up and battle with CQC or otherwise, Playstation ID: Jasfss Game ID: Mikethemerc
Those stun knives are excellent. But, in the game, feel like a real character, finding Snake, or killing the other team. Like at Grazny-Grad, patrolling the towers with a sniper.

The Middle Kingdom (AKA China)
Well....I'm officially trying my hand at learning Chinese seriously. Seriously. So far, I've got some basic stuff down: Ni Hao (lol...Hello), Si Si Ni (Thank You), Xia Xiang (Goodbye), and some other stuff I'd have no clue how to spell phonetically, lol.

Final Note
Please continue to check out my music, as always. And see my previous post about voiceacting if you are interested in a voiceactor.

Posted by Sentinel94 - June 11th, 2008

Well, once again I'm plugging for any voice acting deal at all. Looking for anything. Flash, series, dubs, whatever. Hell, even for kicks and giggles and whatnot. So, how the hell are you supposed to contact me? Lucky for you little devils, I'm putting up a list.

Option 1: By responding to this very message! Duh!

Option 2:By sending me a PM here on Newgrounds!

Option 3:Using my AIM account which can be found to the left of this post. And for those of you who are too lazy to click, it's Quentenzoo.

Option 4:Using my email account(s). jasfss@yahoo.comor ps2bumm@comcast.net

And Option 5: If you'd prefer a heart to heart (or rather, voice to voice) you can use my skype account, jasfss. But, be warned, I will not accept chats on skype except if you have already contacted me via one of the other options.

In Other News
Good Movies that are out: Iron Man-Love it. Indiana Jones and...:Harrison Ford...greatness.

Notes on Music
Recently...I've been pretty hectic what with trying to get voice audi. and parts, work, people, parties, trips, and whatnot. So, music is getting a tad postponed on production. HOWEVER, I may post some of TGN (All remember him?)'s music to kind of give you a "musical snack". Man that was a horrible way of wording it... (Now Hiring Phrase Creators).

And as Normal...
The Video of the post. Enjoy.

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